I'm not sure what you consider in good faith but you'll find that a lot more people have much greater success keeping saltwater fish than corals, and for more much longer period too. You'll find people keeping fish for 5, 10-20 years will less than great water quality, unlike reef tanks where even the slightest change in water quality can wipe out a whole tank, especially sps. You'll find it's much more hit or miss keeping corals than fish.
You'll find that, except for hard to keep fish, most fish are easy to feed and over time become very hardy are last for years, something that you can't always say about corals.
The amount of time, equipment and knowledge that goes into keep a reef tank far out weights what goes into keeping a fish only or fowlr tank, not to mention the success rate in keep fish is much higher than corals. Because of this you'll find a lot of people getting fed up with keeping a reef tank and wind up going back to a fish only or fowlr tank. You can't go by this board, or Reef Central, but you'll find that most people out there are keeping fish only or fowlr tanks, as opposed to reef tanks, or in time go back to fish only or fowlr tanks.