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I have 2 Percula clowns, 1 Porcupine puffer, 1 scissortail, 1 Naso and 1 Powder Blue Tang, 2 Anthias, 1 sixline wrasse.
I was thinking of adding a goby or a bleenie both. Would a Blue Throat Trigger be ok in my mix? Any other recommendations?


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I never had my puffer mess with my fish. It has been over a year since I added him and he is doing well with my other fish. I love my puffer I can never get rid of him I have a small wrasse and he doesn't bother anyone even my 2 clowns are doing fine. My puffer is lazy he loves to eat doesn't swim much should I feed him every other day?

h20 freak

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PA =(
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I never had my puffer mess with my fish. It has been over a year since I added him and he is doing well with my other fish. I love my puffer I can never get rid of him I have a small wrasse and he doesn't bother anyone even my 2 clowns are doing fine. My puffer is lazy he loves to eat doesn't swim much should I feed him every other day?
If you do then he may get hungry and make his lazy @$$ move to eat your fish :eat:


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Adding no more fish you mean small fish due to the puffer? I have had 2 decent sized angels for 6 months died due to a parasite otherwise were fine. How about firefish? the surgeonfish is a bum lays on sand all day waste of a fish need something with some spunk lol. Blue Throat Grouper I heard would be nice to add. Do you think I should take some rock out? I will post photos later.

h20 freak

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PA =(
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You planning on getting a pistol shrimp for that goby?Its a very cool relationship(well depending on the goby you got,there are a few types of watchman gobys some go with pistols,others dont)

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