Well I have a Queen Angel, Koran Angel, Majestic Angel, Asfur Angel living together peacefully in a 120G. I had a French in there also but had to remove her due to the Queen Angel chasing her.
what size are the angels? are they all adults or juv?
These guys were in my 90g about 5 yrs ago:
Tank has been taken down but they grew up as small adults 'cept the annularis which was a juvenile.
1000% agreed and correct...any angel is a risk please keep this in mind.
Sean said:any angel is a risk please keep this in mind.
1000% agreed and correct...
Actually this is completely wrong. Almost all the larger angel are super hardy, a lot of people even use Queens and Blues Angels to cycle tanks. There isn't any reason that you shouldn't have one of these large Angels for 10 - 20 years, unless you have poor water conditions and fed your fish badly.
I always thought Queens suffer from incorrect water quality and a poor diet. This is news to me, hey I just learned something...
If you have Sh*t water almost any fish is going to suffer. Food wise Queens/Blues eat just about anything so diet isn't a problem but like all fish they need a proper diet. In the end they get very big and are usually very aggressive.
I just don't recomend Angels to the beginner like I would a damsel, clownfish, pseudochromis, hawkfish ect.
and risk is not only because of keeping them healthy but aggression towards tank mates
I agree with that and if someone has sh*t water they should not have any fish as far as I am concern, but isn't sponge a main part of an angels diet? I feed all my angels a variety of foods(flakes, frozen, pellets, etc) and make sure that sponge is fed every other day to keep there colors nice. Is this not so?