Well as the title says,they have been put on the endangered list because of the aquarium trade
here is the list it is on http://www.iucnredlist.org/info/gallery2007#home5
About two years ago on another forum that I was a part of(now taken down)I saw a thread explaining the mortality rates of Banggai cardinals and their diminishing populations, well the lady who posted it was right and now they're endangered. I can't find any kind of article discussing their mortality rates but if you google it you will find alot of people agreeing that WC banggais tend to die for no reason due to stress of shipping and capture.
Also now they are endangered due to their very small range in the wild and...well basically people like us.
Fortunately they are bred easily and if you want one you don't have to harm the environment to have one.But people are still buying them WC either because they don't know what their doing, or they care more for their wallet.Now that you know what's going on please do your part by either not buying them or getting tank-raised ones(or even better,breeding them:approve
which will in the end,probably save you money because they have a smaller chance of dying for no reason.
I was wondering if the vendors here are doing their part as well?
Liveaquaria is, http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=2672 :smile: I will be buying 3 as soon as they restock to get a pair, anyone interested in the one that ends up being the odd one out?
here is the list it is on http://www.iucnredlist.org/info/gallery2007#home5
About two years ago on another forum that I was a part of(now taken down)I saw a thread explaining the mortality rates of Banggai cardinals and their diminishing populations, well the lady who posted it was right and now they're endangered. I can't find any kind of article discussing their mortality rates but if you google it you will find alot of people agreeing that WC banggais tend to die for no reason due to stress of shipping and capture.
Also now they are endangered due to their very small range in the wild and...well basically people like us.
Fortunately they are bred easily and if you want one you don't have to harm the environment to have one.But people are still buying them WC either because they don't know what their doing, or they care more for their wallet.Now that you know what's going on please do your part by either not buying them or getting tank-raised ones(or even better,breeding them:approve
I was wondering if the vendors here are doing their part as well?
Liveaquaria is, http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=2672 :smile: I will be buying 3 as soon as they restock to get a pair, anyone interested in the one that ends up being the odd one out?