For those that have a nice relationship with thier mother in-laws, its all good. I went away for the weekend and came home on Sunday only to find a bag floating in my tank. First I was like, ok what happened to the tank, then my wife said that mom bought you a fish. I was like a fish, she said yeah. Gotta love my mother-in-law, she went out of her way and bought me a nice size bi-color angelfish. I was planning on getting a couple of angels for my tank, but a bi-color was not one of them. I'm glad she did choose the bi-color as the yellow and blue colors(mostly the yellow) is amazingly bright. Within the first 1/2 hr. in tank it began feeding on the algae from the live rock and weaving in and out of the rockwork, really cool. What can I say, I'm blessed. A mother-in-law that buys you fish, how about that for love!!!!!!