i guess we should do research be4 we buy
Exallias brevis
Quick Stats: Leopard Blenny
Family: Blenniidae
Range: Indo-Pacific
Size: Up to 6 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Set-up: Marine: Coral or rock, plants
Reef Compatible: With caution
Tank Conditions: 72-78?F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Minimum Tank Capacity: 50 gallon
Light: Medium
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Swimming Level: Bottom
Care Level: Difficult
Reproduction: Egg Layer
The Leopard Blenny is also referred to as the Leopard Rockskipper, Shortbodied Blenny, Sailfin Blenny, or Honeycomb Blenny. The body is white with a mottling of brown.
A 50 gallon or larger reef aquarium with small-polyped stony corals as a food source is ideal. It is territorial over its food source, and will usually find a crevice close by to defend its food source from members of its own species or other food competitors.
It is difficult to entice the Leopard Blenny to eat in an aquarium, and therefore, should only be kept by very experienced aquarists who can supply its special diet of stony coral polyps. It may begin to eat occasional frozen herbivore preparations, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, or mysid shrimp. If it does, it should be fed three times per day.