hi, has anyone ever heard this fish mke weird bark-like sound, I can only describe it as if a low frequncy craking sound as if a squeajy door opened underwater, freaked the heck out of me last night.
A lot of fish make sounds, especially when there are either similar fish or another fish fighting with it for territory. My Blue Face Angel use to make quite a bit of noise, especially when the lights went out.
In the home aquarium it's usually a territorial thing, one fish showing the other fish who's boss. In the Ocean it's usually a sexual thing, attracting a mate or a signal to spawn or chasing away [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]competition.[/FONT]
I be keep angelfish about 14 years and yes they do make sound. before they fight with other fish and angelfish or when a fish get to close to them when they rest at night.one time a had about 10 angelfish in one tank all night long you could hear that grunt sound
My Blue face makes the noise whenever I am doing anything in or on top of the tank. It is doing it to scare the other fish away from where it wants to hide in the rocks. Actually sounds more like a knocking noise in the tank, kind of like someone knocking on the glass from inside the tank. I believe they call it "grunting".