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King of Mars
Cold Spring
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I just moved from a 65 gallon to 90 gallon about 4 weeks ago, this week I notice my blue tang had white spots on him (when I got him about 2 1/2 years ago he had ich a few times it never got that bad and just seemed to go away) now he is getting worse and my yt has spots now all other fish seem ok . I am going to setup a hospital tank I just got a used 20 gallon tank ,heater,and one of those HOT power filters minus the carbon my question's are do I have to let this tank cycle or is there are way to seed the tank with bacteria ? should I use any meds and what kind and should I assume that all the fish have it ? . I always feed with Kent garlic and before my tank move I lost a cleaner shrimp could the shrimp have keep it in check? any help will be great .


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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I have a hippo tang that would come down with ick every so often.
However I keep it with 2 cleaner shrimps and a cleaner wrasse.

Have not seen ick in quite a while now.
BTW the blue cleaner wrasse eats anything which I heard is somewhat unusual.


King of Mars
Cold Spring
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I also put in 2 neon gobies and they look like they have been clean him,I have to get another shrimp , I was thinking about a Wrasse but I didn't think there survial rate was that good .ask him how the stew tastes .

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