hey every body, im new to this forum, any ways, ive boon wondering would be a good combination of different fish species to make my tank look good, i sadly lost all my corals and all but my good old clown fish to a power outage during the winter. so im looking to resocksoon, my tanks 29 gallons so i cant get crazy but i want a good blend of colors and even spacing through the water colum of active schooling and fish that like to hang by themselfs, my ideas are a maby three Evansi anthias, a bicolor pseudochromis, a canary wrasse, also a fire shrimp, and possibly a few yellow tailed damsles, althoguh i know thaty can get kinda mean. so i have orange, from my clown, then a bunch of purple and yellow from the others, pluss the blue from the damsles. anybody got any ideas for other fish that might do well with me? throw your opinion in the mix. my list of live stock is by no means final.