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Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus, 1758)

The Moorish Idol (Zanclus sornutus) wide-spread from Zanzibar island and Mavrikiya before Indian ocean, meets beside coast of the East India, Melanezii. Mikronezii, Polynesias and seasides to Japan, up to the Gulf of mexico. Beside it short and high body, very long, extended dorsal fin. On tele and fin pass interleaving black and yellow transverse bands. The maximum sizes 18-20 sm. refer to holds the small group, chalice whole in more deep places coral reef.
The Moorish Idol (Zanclus sornutus), certainly, close to tangs. The Food his consists of sponge and other sitting animal, as well as algaes.

Interesting that this fish was considered beside arab holy fish, thence and occurs her wide-spread name Moorish Idol if she fell into network of the religious fisherman-moslem, that he, having weighed out deep bow, carefully returned her in sea.

Moorish Idol (Zanclus sornutus) is considered by complex fish for contents in aquarium, but very popular.

The Difficulty of the contents Moorish Idol is conditioned, first of all, strong liability to stress, as effect they bad carry transportation, difficulty in nursing and raised by sensitivity to quality of water.

The First factor that that something in aquarium not so, is break off upper pigtail, possible appearance sore on fin and clouding eye, particularly built in initial stage of the contents in aquarium while gets accustomed to new place and unaccustomed provender, which he is offered.

The First time Moorish Idol cutting the motion is afraid in aquarium panick when cleaning the aquarium, and tries come down in stone, but with his construction of the body him this not simply do so advisable presence in aquarium of the fissures amongst stone in which fish can peacefully, since time he gets accustomed and becomes not such fearful.

Considering his gastronomic passions it is necessary to get ready to that that first Moorish idol eats erode all sponge what will only be able to find and get, he terribly their loves, be the copies which, except sponge can choose what or coral, but basically Moorish Idol indifferent to coral and other animal in aquarium.

The Ration of the feeding Moorish Idol advisable to keep varied, in my practical this icecream stern - gamarus (copepods), mysid, artemias, bloodworms and daphnia, krill.
The Base of the nursing is homemade provender consisting of meat of fish, prawns, squid, dry provender for sea fish with additive of the algaes. In the same way in ration of the feeding Moorish Idol enter the algaes, much loves the small type Caulerpa brachypus, well eats fresh, scalded boiling water salad.

Moorish Idol eats very much, this in the same way possible refer this beautiful fish to difficulties of the contents since ample nursing creates the additional load on aquarium and creates the difficulties with maintenance quality water.

On behaviour Moorish Idol it is impossible refer to calm fish, he it is enough typical and in insult itself will not give.

Moorish Idol in aquarium constantly astir, very curious, all time something search for somewhere peeks. Stake out him one pleasure, he as it were glamour and attracts glance to itself, not in vain probably Moorish Idol was considered beside arab by holy fish.

Best Regards,
Andrey Ospin
My english is not very good, excuse me. :oops:


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