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My CBB is now blind.
The left eye was scratched a while ago and he was doing fine with just one eye. Now the right eye has popeye :(
He's swimming around the tank at the top in circles. I tried feeding him but he just bumps into the food and turns around :arg:

anything I can do or is this it for my CBB?
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there's a scopas tang giving him some trouble, but nothing too aggressive.

Wing, what antibiotic? thanks.

First-try tetracyclin, if not working then switch to E-mycin (May be wrong spelling)

Dosage could be stronger at the first time then swing to standard. Just remember as for human consumption, you should at least run the treament for a complete 7 days even if ALL the symptoms are gone. Daily water change is a must.

I alway use the dosage proportionate to human consumption since I am using human medicine. That is, we average the volume of tank with our body volume. If you use the ones at the fish store, they would have the dosage for fish already. I always use my own antibiotic for them so I have to DIY the dosage.

Oh, BTW if you are buying fish medicine then go for the skin absorption ones. I use the ones I mentioned because I usually have them around not particularly best but they worked for me.
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The CBB has been in a hospital tank for four days now. I took it out of the tank because it was not doing any better.

I've been treating with Kanaplex from seachem.
The swelling of the eye has gone down, but the fish still can not see out of it.

He does want to eat, the problem is he can only find the food if it hits him in the mouth. I spent a good hour trying to hand feed him yesterday, he managed to get a few pieces of mysis. I found the best way to feed him is to let the mysis accumulate in a corner and he can search for them at the top. holding the food in front of him was not working. the hospital tank is a 18 gallon rubbermaid with ten gallons of water in it. I choose this for the rounded corners and ease of cleaning. there's a wood airstone, small power head, and a fan on top. I've dropped the sg to 1.022 and I'm changing the water every two days with tank water and adding new medication when I do. other than being blind and not being able to eat the CBB is swimming normally. I'm hoping he regains his eyesight before he starves to death.


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thanks for the kind words guys, I won't give up on him. he's been a great fish and has kept my tank aptasia free for a year. I'll do what I can for him.
Jason at GA was kind enough to lend me a small CAD tank to use. I thought it was too small for the CBB but I may try setting it up. It might make feeding him a bit easier. The CAD tank has a built in filter which I will need as well.
I took out some cheato with aptasia on it from the sump today and placed it in the hospital tank. I thought there might be a chance the CBB would find the aptasia and be able to eat them. Kathy suggested some clam in a shell on the bottom. I'll try that as well.


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CBB update. the fish is in the CAD tank. normally I would say it's way to small for him, but since he's blind it makes it easier for him to be fed, and maybe find his food. the mussels have worked, I crack them open and place them in front of him and he eats them with no problem. he has not been able to find the mussels on his own yet. I've been trying to train him to know where they are but it's not working so well.

one more note, the eye has puffed up again, I have to figure out which med to try next :-/


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CBB update.

he is back in the display. since I posted this I set up the 30G breeder for him and he was able to eat 2 mussels a day. This not only kept him alive, but grew him large and fat.

He is now able to pick mysis out of the water column, his eye site returned a little bit.
If the mysis is within a few inchs of him he has no problem finding it. He also picks it off the bottom of the tank. I'm still feeding him a mussel a day just to make sure he's getting enough to eat.

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