I am visiting this board for the first time, and this subject immediately took my attention.
Here in Belgium, a store called Reefcorner, is specializing in rare fish and corals and he has had a shipment of 9 borbonius.
His latest collector's item was a school of 20 Pseudanthias ventralis.
The borbonius were sold to 3 reef aquarists, 1 in holland and 2 in belgium. 2 of the 3 only kept one fish alive, the third kept them triving all three! He has quite an exeptional tank (featured already in the german magasin Koralle) and has amongst the borbonius collection also a couple of A. xanthopunctatus, different schools of rare anthias, wide collection of table acro's ...
He is now trying to persuade the other two aquarists to sell him their remaining borbonius so the school is back complete.