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Always Overfeeding
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Hello All,

Woke up this morning to find little black spots on one of my Blonde Naso Tang. My other tangs in the tank are o.k. The blonde Naso is eating fine. Does anyone know what this is and what the cause might be???

All advice appreciated... Thanks!


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Black "Ich", Black Spot, Turbellarian Infection
While Black "Ich" is not all that common, it is not uncommon either and appears from time to time, particularly on tangs and surgeonfish.


What causes black "Ich"??

Black "Ich" is caused by one or more genus of flatworm (Phylum Platyhelminthes) belonging to the class Turbellaria. Most cases of black "Ich" appear to be caused by Paravortex sp. (Noga, 2000) however, Cannon and Lester (1988) found turbellaria of the genus Ichthyophaga on a parrotfish (Scarus ribulatus) in addition to Paravortex sp. on dusky flathead (Platycephalus fuscus).

The life cycle of Paravortex sp.

Noga (2000) describes the life cycle of the parasite as follows. Juvenile turbellaria attach to the host fish and grow from around 77 to 450 μm. After around 6 days, they drop off the host and fall to the substrate where their eggs and larvae develop internally for 3 to 4 days. The adult's body wall ruptures and up to 160 juveniles escape and can immediately infect any susceptible hosts. The life cycle takes around 10 days at 24.5?C (76?F).

The signs of black "Ich"

The most obvious sign of black "Ich" are numerous dark spots covering the body of the infected fish. The dark spots are not the turbellaria but rather a reaction of the skin to the parasite which causes hypermelanisation (Noga, 2000).

Treatment for black "Ich"

Noga (2002) recommends formalin baths for the treatment of parasitic turbellaria. The formalin baths should be repeated every three days until there are no signs of infection. With this regime subsequent baths will kill parasites that were not on the fish during previous baths.
Some hobbyists have had success with the use of freshwater dips. These should also be repeated at 3 day

Turbellarian Infection
This infection is seen most often on Yellow tangs, partially because the black spots are so easily visible against a yellow background. These parasites are known to infect at least 16 tropical marine fish species. Usually, only one or two fish are affected. Some common names are Tang Disease and Black Ich.
Symptoms to look for are as follow:
? Black spots on the skin with a pepper-like appearance
? Scratching
? Faded colors
? Hyperactivity
? Decreased appetite
? Lethargy in advanced stages
? Increased respiration in advanced stages
? Skin hemorrhaging in late stages
? Secondary bacterial infection, which may include cloudy eyes and fin rot in
late stages
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Many years ago I had a yellow tang with black ich. It was so long ago, that my memory is hazy, but as I recall it was a chronic condition that only affected the tang. I made no effort to treat it (I'm afraid that most treatments are worse than the disease...), and it never seemed affected by it ...behaved and ate normally. I've never seen it again in any of my subsequent tangs. This was in the early years of my tank, when diseases like ich would turn up. Haven't had a parasitic fish disease in 6 or 7 years now. Take care, Eric


Suffolk L.I.
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black spots on yellow tang

I know this is an old post but it is a new problem to me on one of my yellow tangs. If anyone can help ? Is or has anyone used any meds to get rid of this? The fish is in my 180 fowlr and other fish with it. Thanks Pete

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