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I picked these three guys up from my LFS about two weeks ago. I had been looking for Latezonatus clowns for some time and got lucky and hit the jackpot.





They have been in QT from day one and I am treating them with Copper, Formalin, and Nitrofurazone and have seen zero signs of disease. They have eaten everything that I have put in the tank from day one including medicated flake food. I am keeping the QT tank temp. around 76 and I am in the process of lowering the temp in the main tank to match.
I would love to find some of these http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.p ... highlight= to go along with them but it seems like all of you are snatching them up as they come in :D


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We're gonna have to wait until they mature a bit, but I hate to bring you the potential bad news: these may be A.chrysogaster and not latezonatus.

Edit: Nevermind. I'm much more convinced it's just juvenile latezonatus. I can make out the white margins on the caudal fins in some pics.

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Len, I think he'd be more stoked if they were gasters. :)

Awesome little trio you got there. Baby latez are definitely hard to find. They look great!


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Not complaining about what I do have but you're right about the Gasters. Getting those by accident would have been pretty cool.

Just to let everyone know, all three are still doing great. I am going to putting them in the main display within the coming week but I have to remove a killer leopard wrasse before I can place them in the main tank.


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The Latz babies went into the main display a little over a week ago and are all doing well. They appeared to be forming a group in QT but have all went their seperate ways in the main tank.
One is hosting in a green carpet, one is hosting in a big Corallimorphidae, and another is hosting in a GBTA.

Latz Hosting Corallimorph

Latz Hosting Carpet


My LFS also got in four more Latz yesterday so I picked up another pair. :D


I am starting to wonder if someone is CB these guys in AUS because I have never seen so many Juv. Latz avail. in such a short period of time. They are also accimilating to the captivity very fast and both groups started eating within minutes of introduction to their QT tank.


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You will. My LFS is planning on getting more tomorrow. Looks like its that time of year again for the Latz influx.
Are you familiar with Fish & Other Ichthy Stuff in Oldsmar, Fl near Tampa?

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