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WOW !!! I could easily spend a week just looking at all those fish.
Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. :D


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Are you sure this is all from the fish market? some looks like from Fish plaza as well.

Where was the hybrid and when?

Damn it...all the good stuff's coming when Im out!!! :(


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Yes, I'd like to know about the Hybrid as well, since up till that one, my last boss was the only collecting and shipping those :D


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Ivan never was the boss of anyone down there. He worked for the Herrera Bros. ;) But no, ZERO connection to any exporter that may or may not have smuggled 500 clarions last year that many got busted for. If you know Baja, you'll know whom I worked for :D


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Im thousands of miles from Baja, so I cant say I know the place.
I know Ivan sent a Clarion hybrid to my friend a couple of years back, so I was refering your previous post.


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Apperently Javier caught one while he was working for the H.B.'s recently. I'm dumb founded as to where your friend got his from ultimatly? Was this when Ivan was working down in Baja, or in Cali? Did your friend import the shipment, or buy it wholesale stateside?


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He was importing the fish together with Passers to Hong Kong.
Im not sure if Ivan was in Baja or in Cal at that point of time, where is he now by the way? still selling fish?

You have any idea where I can get such a hybrid?

Hong Kong is THE place for hybrids, they can sell them for high price, like they sell the Maculosus x Koran from Kenya and even more rare Maculosus x chrysurus.

The fish in the pic I first saw in the other forum pics where it said it was shipped to HKG, I checked with few of the bigger importers but there was no fish, till one of the importers told me he bought the fish and waiting for shipping from Los Angeles, time passed and there was nothing, I already thought this fish will never show up, but apparantly it did while Im out of Hong Kong.....too bad.


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Ivan has disappearred from my circles, I have no idea where he went. I actually do know where you might be able to get some from soon, PM me your email.

Maculosus x chrysurus.

Were these the pics on the other forum that you saw?




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Maculosus x chrsurus is the mega bucks fish, maybe only St.Paul rock Queen angel can get there from all the large angels, from what I know, only one piece have reached HK.

Maculosus x koran is an expensive fish as well, can be up to the 5 digits mark, those do not have a fixed price, they decide the price after looking at the specimen, some are attractive some are so so.

I cant see any pic, just the sohal logo.

But there were pics of the hybrid with kinda silverish back ground with BB tank right?

I think I know wheer they're coming from, I'll send ya a PM.


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Yes! YOU're rIGHT, it also from the fish plaza.

I took one very bad condition marginalis butterfly back with me (want it verymuch eventhough it's not going to survive) I hope i'll get a new healthy one there next time.

When i was there, I also saw both the chrysurus X maculosus and maculosus X koran along with the butterfly rarity like C. daedalma, but unluckily the shop does not allow me to take their picture :cry:

I'll be in HK again on 21-24 December, would you there, vili?

Hope I can got my dreamfish like C. conspicillatus


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You're Thai!?!?!
Sawasdee Kap!!!
I'm sorry...or better say I'm happy :lol: to say that I'll be in your country during that time.

You're very lucky to see the chrysurus x maculosus, those goes for very big money, more than the Clarion hybrid, they are VERY rare.

Conspic wont be a problem, they come every month or 6 weeks depends on the weather in New caledonia, but they do go in 24 to 36hrs, so you probably need to fly specially to get them.
In America they are easier to get though.

You got some very nice shops in the market near mochit, some seriously hard to get fish there.

Keep in touch my friend, I'll send ya a message with my e-mail, I hope to see ya one day.

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