Scotts' Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus scottorum has so many variations, and some will be even regarded as a different species. It is closely allied to C. melanomarginatus from northwestern Pacific.
Here is a male from the Cook Islands, that has an entirely yellow dorsal fin, a red blotch on side, and a yellowish caudal fin.
The red blotch is missing in some specimens, and also the coloration of caudal fin will depedi on individuals. Large males possess a long, filamentous prolongation centrally from the caudal fin.
I hope to see your pics of a variety of the species especially in its male stage. Thank you, all.
Here is a male from the Cook Islands, that has an entirely yellow dorsal fin, a red blotch on side, and a yellowish caudal fin.
The red blotch is missing in some specimens, and also the coloration of caudal fin will depedi on individuals. Large males possess a long, filamentous prolongation centrally from the caudal fin.
I hope to see your pics of a variety of the species especially in its male stage. Thank you, all.