Well, Frank has gotten no government money, no grants, no tax breaks. How much are wild resplendens anyway, that's right they haven't been sold in this country in many years, since the airforce stopped letting the cargo guys bring them back into Patrick AFB. Those interruptus sell for more than a 1K wild in LFS anyway, so 800 bucks for a captive fish; that will live, is a much better deal.
They are not asking anyone to pay 10X what you would pay for a wild fish. I would argue that a $200 flame or lemon peel angel is money well spent, when you would have it for 20 years or so; but maybe I am just nuts.
So how much should a fish that took five years or so to culture cost? Lets see you work 14+ hours a days, 7 days a week, 10+ months of the year; can't raise them in the thousands of them like clown fish. So your not allowed to recover your cost and time plus maybe a bit of profit.
You can always move to France if you need to, maybe they will setup a governement hatchery and give fish away; of course you couldn't find a job, your taxes would be 70%; they would never be able to get the government red tape out of the way, so you wouldn't be able to raise them; but at least your pills would be cheaper.