i had one for a short period then i decided to add another tang and he went nuts. to the point where he killed the other fish and died himself from all the stress
The Gold rim tang can be some what aggressive with other tangs. It needs a good size tank and make sure it get a good amount of greens in it's diet. Also you sure make sure you QT the fish as it usually gets ich very easily.
I think I have one but it went under the name bristletooth Tang. If so, preety darn health fish. beat Ick on it's own. If fack I have trouble getting new fish comfortable in the tank as he thinks he owns the tank..
It is Gray with yellow around the edges. I think I have a pic.in my gallery.
The two that I tried gave me the impression they are even more delicate then the Powder Blue. But in their defense I did get them from ftusa way back when..