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Hi Everyone

I was reading a past edition of Advanced Aquarist and it had an article written about the Harlequin Tusk being fairly reefsafe- ie- tends not to touch existing small fish (like chromis) and crabs etc.

I have a 240G reeftank with a copperband, a coral beauty, pair of percula clowns, bicolour blenny, and a 6-line wrasse, along with a huge number and variety of snails and crabs. I also have a juvi harlequin tuskfish on his own in another 100G tank. I would love to add the tusk to my reef but i am worried about him making a meal out of my blenny, 6 line and clowns. Does anyone have any experience with a tusk and these fish in a reef?

Any comments would be very welcome.

Thank you.


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For years many people have stated that Choerodon fasciata are reef safe and as we all know each and every fish in every species has it's own personality, habits, quirks, etc.
I've found over the years that these are "not" to be trusted in a reef setting, with smaller fish, inverts, etc. While they may get along with tank mates for awhile, they can suddenly make a meal of their once buddy.
Then again as stated above nothing is written in stone.

David Mohr


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hi harvey,

i have had this fish in my 120 gallon reef and he ate my cloen blenny and countless snails and hermits. I realize others may have had better experiences with this fish but i wouldnt take the chance. If you do and later decide to take him out. Do as I did and put a piece of krill on a size 25 hook and catch him. He will undoubtedly be the most aggressive eater in your tank and will take the Krill and run. Don't set the hook to quickly though. give him a chance to get hooked then hoist him out.

By the way, I have 2 small percs in same tank. he never messed with them or the small leopard wrasse.

Good luck


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Welcome to reefs.org Harvey and Henry.

My experience is that they do well with (most) triggers and the like, and seem to mirror their feeding habits fairly closely. There is no way I would trust any large wrasse in such a situation to not do what comes quite naturally.

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