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Does anyone know of a marine fish, that is commonly available, that reaches a maximum length of under an inch?
It really doesn't matter that it is colorful or unusual. I am just interested to know. The smallest fish I have seen comercially available are the neon gobie and the yellow clown gobie. Although I have never seen a BIG clown or Neon, I have seen them get over an inch in length.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Your tiny request is a big problem :wink:

Gobies are small and readily available to hobbyists but nearly all species grow larger than 1". The genera Trimma, Trimmatom, Eviota and Priolepis are where you should look for the really small. But these fish are rarely available for sale.


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I hope this doesn't double post.

When you go to the beach, when you look down into the surf, of around piers, you see tons of tiny feeder fish swimming around. I wonder why none of these are offered for sale?
I mean, yeah... I know they llook like minnows, but there have to be small fish available from tropical waters like these fish... don't there???


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Sure, there are small 'minnows' in the tropics. I think that few of these are really suitable for the aquarium trade. They are generally not colorful and so would not likely be in demand. These fish may have social habits that require them to live in schools. There may also be a short lifespan for these fish.

Additionally, I think that most of these schooling 'minnows' are going to be larger than 1". You may recall them being small, but any adult fish under 1" is very unusual.


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There are several adult gobies under 2" with very slender bodies. Not sure why you need one that small though. You trying to put a fish in a 1 gallon tank or something?

Many of the ones up to 2" are commonly available. The clown gobies stay pretty small and are reasonalby priced. Neon gobies don't get much larger than that and they are pretty reasonably priced. www.reeftopia.com gets in some tiger gobies sometimes and they are even smaller.

FWIW, Nathan


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I have 4 small silver fish that are less than an inch in length. They look just like guppies. I have no clue as to what they are but they're kind of fun to watch, I have them in my shrimp tank. :lol:


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I am wanting them for my 10 gallon.

I wanted something unusual maybe 4 or 5 small schooling fish. I thought it would be neat to have some free swimmers (middle water column) them in there.

Sally, that sounds exactly like what I am looking for. Where on earth did you get them?
Could you possibly post a picture? :)


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FWIW, I've thought about finding some Pseudomugil signifer or Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis for my reef (2" max length):



P. cyanodorsalis:




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Sally, I sent you a PM.

Shane, that guy reminds me of a clear beta (betta? SP?)
I will look around a little more. It's just hard to believe that there are no fish smaller than an inch in the ocean.


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Not smaller than an inch, but Apogon aureus (sp?) schools and stays pretty small. I'm guessing you could have 3 or 4 in a 10 gallon.


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Ok, I have a picture, but alas, no way to post it. Any one up to the task for me?


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Sally - When you post at the bottom where you enter your message is a box with a button that says "browse" the box is labled "Filename". Just click on brows, a window will open listing your hard drive just navigate to the file pic it the post it will automatically show up on the bottom of your post.



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Bob... MAtt...

So I have spent the majority of the evening looking for one of these guys... Practically impossible to find for sale. I wonder if I put in a request with the LFS if he could order it for me?

Man, i wish I had started with a 20 gallon instead. i had the choice and I went witht the ten, just just for cost 's sake! Oh well, I guess 20 really wouldn't be "nano" then would it?


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Tiny, schooling fish that will hang out in the water column....you want Trimma or Trimmatom gobies. But good luck finding a group of them, let alone one or two.

Matt posted a link to a gorgeous one. Here it is. According to the photographer they hover upside-down.


Trimma caudomaculatum


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Man, I would be willing to spend so much for a school of those... :D John, are most of the members of those genera native to Japan?

Dewman, which fish on that page were you looking at specifically? I know at least a few of those are commonly available.

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