I dont usually post here, but I thought you guys could help me. I am doing an experiment on my Antennarius pictus I changed the decor of his tank in hopes that he will change color. I am looking for articles or reports about this sort of behavior. It could be on other members of this genus as well. If anyone has any info about this topic please post it here. I am especially interested in scientific articles. Thanks so much. Ill keep you updated as this experiment progresses.
I dont usually post here, but I thought you guys could help me. I am doing an experiment on my Antennarius pictus I changed the decor of his tank in hopes that he will change color. I am looking for articles or reports about this sort of behavior. It could be on other members of this genus as well. If anyone has any info about this topic please post it here. I am especially interested in scientific articles. Thanks so much. Ill keep you updated as this experiment progresses.