My purple tang appears to have scarring from a bout with ich but through quarantining (copper, formalin dips) he has no ich at all. Its been 4 weeks since he's been in quarantine. Are these scars a problem? or are they permanent?
My Kole Tang lost all of his stripes and color during his battle with Ich. It was less scarring and more complete shedding. It looked like he'd been swimming in acid. However, he did make a full recovery. You should see improvement soon. I feed frozen Formula 2 and Spirillina which both have Garlic / Vitamins added.
Copper and Formalin both burn off some of the fresh of the fish, especially Formalin. So if the scarring is just discoloration of the skin it should come back. If it's small hole like scarring it's probably going to be permanent on the fish.
Maybe, but the scarring on my Tang included huge holes with skin/scales peeling off not just discoloration. One hole was almost 1/4 inch across. Think John hurt in Alien.
not deep wholes,but merely small dot discolorations. Im almost positive its from ich, because He developed a bad case of ich after a few daysin QT. I began treatment, and the tiny spotty discolorations are the result.
If there was ich in my tank, could existing fish be immune?. Because it always seems new fish who are fine in QT get it (at least in 2 cases) and it appears when in the main tank. Not one of my fish has a spot and I got a clown and hippo tang, which are highly sucseptible. Maybe I have to extend my QT period
basically all over. There not that apparent under the main light but at some angles u can see them good. It looks like some marks from where the ich parasites broke through skin and do to purple tangs rich purple color its more visible