Greg, Just curious on an update of the crosshatch triigger in your reef. I am about ready to try a blue-throat trigger as I love both reefs and triggers.
Tank Specs 150g
90# Fiji LR
80# Live Sand (mix Fiji and Carb.)
2x 400W 10,000K MH
ETS Skimmer
1x Orchid Dottyback (8 years) - almost as large as triggers
1 x Sunrise Dottyback (2 years) -2"
2 x Percula Clowns (5 years) - 3"
2 x Blue Throat Triggers NC from Hawaii (arrived 11/11/03 from Marine Center) ~5"
1 x Tonga Yellow Leather
4 x Sinularia sp.
1x Elegance Coral
1x Rose BTA
2 x gorgonian sp.
2 x Acros sp.
Huge GSP colony (have separate from all other LR)
1 x Feather Duster (5 years)
-numerous other cutting and mushrooms - but all of these listed are large specimens at least 3 years old
Tuesday - Female spent most of day hiding after 30 min drip acclimation
Male was added straight to tank after 5 min temp adjustment due to foul smell of bag water Wednesday - both eating Mysis well have not harassed fish or inverts Thursday - eating Mysis and Krill - no negative behavior - seem to be model reef fish - spending most of the day in the open
Indicators to watch -
1) Feather Duster still fully expanded - if there is a problem should be the first to get tasted
2) Clowns seeming more time spening more time in BTA and one huge Rasta Sinularia