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Hey guys,

I will be traveling every other weeks due to new jobs and would like to replace my current fish with fish that does not require daily feeding.

I have mixed reef setup 65 sps 40g soft 40g refuge. All are connected via single sump.

I am looking to get about 10 fishes that my reef can sustain with out daily feeding. I know I can have someone feed my fish but I would rather have fish that can feed off of my reef. Any help will be appreciated.


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well, I am going to travel extensively. So tank buddy is not an option. Few years ago, I had my parents feed them and they killed most of my fish and corals :( so I dont want to take a change with them.

Beside if I dont feed the fishes, I will not be adding extra nutrients to the system.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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:scratch: Extensively traveling...no reef buddy...:rolleyes: :wow:

You need fish that will survive soley on pods, micro/macroalgae and perhaps each other. :eek:
Maybe a sand-sifter. The problem in the long run, is that given no other food options (you), the fish may quickly deplete what's available and begin to deteriorate in health. Perhaps you should get rid of all the fish and leave the corals.


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When you say daily what do you mean. Are you just away for a day or two. Most fish can handle that. If you mean for longer periods then lets get more specific. In any case you need to feed fish so either you do it mechanically or you provide a live source as was mentioned by others. There are some animals that can be fed twice a week but I do net recall which, maybe octopus. If you want a tank that requires no input I suggest you download a nice screen saver. They never have algea problems either.:smokin:


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I'm gone for a week or 2 weeks at a time.
I have people to watch the tank, but I still got some autofeeders.
I suggest getting at least two or three, that way you can feed specific foods for each type of fish you have. you should have someone come in at least once a week to check and empty the skimmer. or make sure you get a large waste container for it. you might also want to invest in a controller that lets you monitor the tank conditions online. this is going to be my next big purchase for my tank.

get your fish used to eating various pellets, they are the easiest to feed from the auto feeders.


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I suggest you just take some time off from the hobby until you job is steadier. What you are setting up is a recipe for disaster. In any given week a plethora of things can happen to a reef tank. If you are not there to monitor things your tank can go down hill very quickly. Instead of jeopardizing the livestock you have, take a break and start when you do have the time.

After all, when are you going to be able to enjoy your reef with a job that keeps you away almost a week on a regular basis.


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if you set up the tank correctly you do not need to be there every day for it.
I'm comfortable leaving my tank for a month by itself. As long as someone is around to check for anything major going wrong all will be fine.
ATO, 2 part dosing pump, autofeeders, and controllers, they make it easy.


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That is totally true. Automation is the way to go for some. But you have to realize that some people, like myself, enjoy looking at/working with my tank. For me, if I were in the same position as him you already know what I would do.

Thats like loving to work with your hands but having to watch a robot do the work for you.


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there's still plenty to do to keep your hands wet, it's the daily chores that are automated that remove the ball and chain feeling of the reef tank ;)

water changes don't happen by themselves, and the skimmer needs to be cleaned :dead1: then there's the pruning of the coral and cleaning of the sump, the list goes on and on.
The ato and dosing pump keep the tank much more stable than I ever could. The ato keeps the sg level dead on target, it never fluctuates. The dosing pump is set to dose the 2 part once every hour. Unless you sat by your tank 24/7 there's no way you could match that stability.

edit; you could invest in a Dailyseas to change the water, then water changes would happen by themselves.


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Wow! Three day weekends. That must be sweet.

I hear ya jhale. I just picked up an AC jr and an ATO. But what I am referring to is the daily routine of checking on your tank. I use mine as therapy. I like to sit infront of it and look at all the different things going on. If I could only do that 3 days out of the week I would be a very depressed dude. lol.

By the way, my tank is actually at the end of a breakdown phase. Im working towards my upgrade. All I get to look at are my fish and pvc pipes I threw in there for the fish to have a place to hide and meander around. lol


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I am referring to is the daily routine of checking on your tank. I use mine as therapy. I like to sit infront of it and look at all the different things going on. If I could only do that 3 days out of the week I would be a very depressed dude. lol.

yeah I totally agree with that! I have tank withdrawal when I'm away.
I wonder how it's doing and if the fish are playing nice. I don't worry about it crashing, but I do miss it :eek: when I get home I stare at it for a half hour sometimes before I do anything else in the apt :happysad:


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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The Pentair Aquatics Automatic fish feeder w/Hopper works good for flake & pellet. I used it when I was away for 5 weeks and just had family feed once/twice a week with frozen. I know people don't care for them but if you want hardy fish in your absence, then consider a few small damsels for movement and color. Also make sure you have a good cleaning crew.


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I am pretty comfortable leaving my tank for a few weeks. Luckly my friend lives right across the street and all he really has to do is feed. Everything else is pretty much self maintained. I have ATO and CA reactor so that's 2 things I don't really have to worry about.

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