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I just setup a 120gal FOWLR and am looking into what to stock it with. I love the angels and Tangs but notice the angels on alot of websites I read about not adding more than 1 into a tank. I understand the Tangs need to be placed at the same time. I like the powder blue tang and Naso and also, Flame angel, Coral Beauty, Juvenile Emperor. I was also thinking of maybe going with a semi aggressive tank but am not 100% sure. Any suggestions? Thanks


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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What you really need to do is pick the fish that you really really want to have and then add fish that will work with it. For the most part you'll find that even with fish that aren't that aggressive, they will become aggressive, and territorially, after they've been in your tank.

michael stern

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new rochelle
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How about this:
Naso tang
hippo tang
1 other tang (tomini, powder blue, yellow, kole....)
flame or coral beauty angel
1 large angel (I like blue face)
Moorish Idol(???)
a few small fish


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Thanks this definately looks like a good list:

Naso tang
Powder Blue
Blue Face Angel
Flame Angel
(Is a emperor Juvenile Angel out of the equation?)
Moorish Idol
a few small fish like damsels, firefish, goby,


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My tank has been up for a week with LR and I have been adding cycle all levels are good, when can I be ready to stock with some fish? Should I get a cleanup crew before I start to add fish or wait until there is waste in my tank?


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All of my levels are good no Ammonia,Nitrites/Nitrates The Ph is in the normal range on the chart. The salt level I need to bring up a bit its at .0018 I want to get it up to .0021. I had a 55gal reef tank before, but I am looking to go easier and get nicer looking fish and not worry about not being reef ready. I just want to know when my tank is deemed cycled so that I can add these fish or should I start with Damsels to see if they survive.


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it depends also on your tank size aquascape and filtration etc. at present i have 3 blue hippos, purple, blond naso, powder blue tangs, 2 scribbles, 1 emperator, flame, majestic angels. they all get along fine. i would pass on the moorish idols. they are really tough and have digestive problems. they reqiure a finaky diet that includes sponges. stores try to sell them saying they are eating mysis etc, but that all comes to ahead in about 3 weeks.



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Tank is a 120Gal, Life Reef Skimmer, MAG9 for Return, single predrilled overflow 1" return 1.5" drain Durso, Live rock I took from my 55gal I am not sure how many lbs of live rock I have but to give an idea one side of the tank is pretty high and the othe side much lower I will be adding more live rock today from my friends tank. So I should start off with Chromis to test the waters then start to add some tangs, angels. Tangs and angels should be added all at once? I read where they say only add 1 angel at a time and when adding Tangs add them in pairs.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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It all depends on the type of tang that you're going to keep. It not practically to add all your tangs at the same time, and the sames goes for angels. So you'll have to decide which ones you plan on getting and then decide which to add first. Also a 120gal isn't that large of a tank for some of the bigger angels, as some get very big and need 6' tanks.

Also if you plan on adding more LR today don't add any fish until you've place the LR in your tank and see if you have a spike of some sort. If after a # of days you don't see any spike then I would start to add some fish. Also make sure you QT all your fish before you place them in your tank.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Thanks for the advice, I planned on keeping small angels, larger tangs. I would like a Powder Blue, Naso, Flame Angel, Emperor Juvenile angel, Coral Beauty,

If you're going to get a Naso get a small one, as they get to a good size and need a good deal of swimming room. It shouldn't be a problem with the PBT and the Naso, as for the Angels, the Flame and Coral beauty could be a problem. I would introduce them either together or put the Coral Beauty in first as the Flame is more aggressive.

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