I am in charge of my boss' SW tank of a little over 300 gallons. I currently have a lunar wrasse (4"), flame hawkfish, harlequin tusk (5"), and a lion (4") in it. Also residing n the tank are sea stars, turbo snails, cowrie, and sally lightfoot crabs. There are lots of fake corals and decorations taking up a fair ammount of space. He would like me to add more fish. Like most people, he wants larger, "ooh ahh" fish. I had some ideas but not sure on the practicality and/or compatability. We plan on adding some sort of angel (emporer or queen most likely), possibly a powder blue or purple tang. Others that have come up were clowns, triggers and anthias. I am afraid of adding triggers due to the inverts and just found out that anthias and hawkfish are not compatable. A few fish that I love are orbiculate batfish and moorish idol. Not sure if they would work. I was hoping you might be able to suggest a few options that may appease my boss and not be a major pain in rear for me. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks!