My LFS has had the most beautiful/healthy Birdmouth Wrasse for about 2 months now, and I asked him to hold it for me for a week or so, so that I can research this fish before purchasing. I have read that it will eat shrimp in a reef, which I do not have in my reef tank, My tank is 70 gallons and I do have snails and crabs though, also lots of soft and hard corals. My other inhabitants are-
- Percula clown
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Regal Blue
- Yellow Tang
- 3 Damsels
- Scooter Blenny
- Dottyback
Have any of you experienced a Birdmouth Wrasse in your reef tanks and if so, how did it behave with your corals and other tank mates? This one is an adult as far as I could learn by it's coloration, it is a blue/green.
Thanks In Advance
- Percula clown
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Regal Blue
- Yellow Tang
- 3 Damsels
- Scooter Blenny
- Dottyback
Have any of you experienced a Birdmouth Wrasse in your reef tanks and if so, how did it behave with your corals and other tank mates? This one is an adult as far as I could learn by it's coloration, it is a blue/green.
Thanks In Advance