Urchin makes a good point, most angels get too big for most hobbiest sized reeftanks. IMO, this includes the Queen, Emperor, Navarchus (majestic), French, Gray, and Koran angels.
Some hobbiests do have specimens of these fish that were purchased as juveniles, and they seem to be doing well, and not out growing the tank. It is still possible that they will in the future, but that remains to be seen.
Personally, I have tried keeping the navarchus and the regal angel in a reeftank. Neither of these fish should even be CONSIDERED to be purchased by beginning hobbiests, and in fact, the regal angel should probably not be purchased at all. IME, my navarchus was a coral picker, and I had to remove it from the tank and give it to a fellow hobbiest w/ a FO tank. The regal is much more "coral friendly" but the average regal angel you see in the store has about a 1-5% chance of survival...:-(
I would suggest sticking w/ Centropyge (pygmey) species.
James Wiseman
Reefs.org Channel Operator