Just recently lost 6 lyretail anthias during various stages of qt...no meds, just for observation in the qt. 15 years as an aquarist, so not my first time buying fish, acclimating, etc...but never had such poor results. Gonna chalk it up to a more difficult species.
No appetite, lethargic, odd swimming behaviors...this was my first attempt at a qt and im seriously starting to doubt it.
I understand its purpose and I really wanted to believe I was doing the right thing. But I just don't know if the stressed endured during qt outweighs the risk of the "old dump and pray". I think buying from a reputable person and checking for obvious signs of disease and poor health are a good place to start when stocking an aquarium.
Their dragged home, acclimated to a new and most likely undersized tank, treated with medications that kick their asses...only to be ripped out of their and acclimated to another tank a few weeks later.
Sorry...but im not sold on the whole qt thing yet.