Hi guys,
Pictillis anthias is the only anthias in my reef.
so far I had it for about a month. Its thinning out b/c its not eating, I've tried everything, including raw fish eggs~/ except Arcti-pods.
only time I've seen it eat was when the light goes on my tank, and all the cocco pods crawl back and forth...
Also this fish came with white bold spot b/t its eyes, is it like a hole in the head?
I really don't wanna lose this one...
what do I try! and SOS !! Help!!!
Pictillis anthias is the only anthias in my reef.
so far I had it for about a month. Its thinning out b/c its not eating, I've tried everything, including raw fish eggs~/ except Arcti-pods.
only time I've seen it eat was when the light goes on my tank, and all the cocco pods crawl back and forth...
Also this fish came with white bold spot b/t its eyes, is it like a hole in the head?
I really don't wanna lose this one...
what do I try! and SOS !! Help!!!