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New york
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I am cycling my 75 gallon reef tank and want to start looking into what fish I can keep in the tank. I am running the tank without a sump. Currently I have a reef octopus hob 1000 skimmer , 2 power heads, 80 lbs of live sand and 75 lbs of live rock. I want to have 2 clownfish but was wondering what are good tankmates for them as well as easy beginner coral! As I am new I am willing to listen to all suggestions on how to stock this aquarium.



Advanced Reefer
Rockland County
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Congrats on the new tank. I would look into maybe a mystery wrasse, yellow tang, dotty back or goby fish. For corals I would get an anemone for the clown fish to keep them occupied. Zoa's and Paly's are good starter corals.
Do not get an anemone for at least 6 months to a year, I know it may be tempting with the clowns in mind but it's really not a good idea.

If you plan on getting tangs, make sure you pick them all out now and add them all together to avoid any aggression later on. Personally, when I start out a fish tank I like to get the smallest size fish possible, so if you're getting tangs, look for little guys like 2", you'll enjoy watching them grow and they'll acclimate nicely to your tank.

- Tangs: 2, possibly 3 (yellow, sailfin, scopas, purple, bristletooth)
- Dwarf angels (flame, lemonpeel w/ caution, coral beauty, rock beauty)
- Wrasses (yellow coris, green coris, melanurus)
- Gobies and blennies (almost any of them, but watchman and diamond gobies are nice and algae blennies can be useful)
- As a beginner, stay away from Anthias
- If you want some beginner coral, PM me

This was my 75G back in my earlier days of the hobby
Redding, CA
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Cool rock formation Reefs4life. As for my response to your original question, I would put the live rock in and then start putting things in based on your live rocks needs. That's what I ended up doing with mine and it has turned out to be a great tank. mine is not as established as reef4life, but I've had mine for about 6 months or so and am anxious to see it grow.


Active Reefer
New york
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How much does a CUC/inverts such as anemones create a bioload? Should I account for the crabs and snails and put less fish in the tank?

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