this already happen twice b4 and this is the 3rd time. 1st time about a month ago, one night i came home notice my powder brown tang had ich (like 10 to 15 wht dots all over its body and its dorsal fins had big wht spot on it) so i decided i would fish him out the next day and qt it with medication. but when i came home the following day all the ich was gone and the dorsal fins was 90% clear !!!!! (strange) so i didnt think much of it. about 2 weeks ago the same thing happen again and the next day it all clear up again and just yesterday it happen again and this morning it all clear up again. WHAT IS GOING ON !!! does anybody have any insite on this??? all other fish in aquarium are fine and the pbt is all normal too, feeding, breathing fine other than the 24hr ich (atlease thats what think it is)
thx in advance
thx in advance