poor maroon clown ,have such a bad name ,,
guess im lucky ,my maroon clown is calm doesnt bother any fish in the tank and actualy was being picked on by my scunk clown ,not to metion she dosnt do that sand storm like the other ,all she does is stay in the mushroom colony ,it such a beautiful fish and so calm
guess i got that 1 outta of million of fish
ask Mike (slama) he has 2 clown and a 2 chormis in a 29gal i think ,they seems to be doing great ,,just make sure you have a good skimmer ,dont over feed and keep water para up to par
good luck and dont rush into getting a tank ,get some basic down and it will help you out later ,with money and more .some ppl do about a year worth of reading and resreach before getting a tank ,not saying you should wait that long
Happy new year