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Hello everyone,

I'm hoping for some help from those that have kept full grown triggers before. I'm building a 710 gallon tank 8' x 6' x 24" and hoping to keep just triggers. Has anyone kept multiple Adult Picasso triggers together before, is it possible? What about 3 Adult ******s together, and also with other triggers like a Picasso, bursa, rectangular? The Big question is, is it possible to keep a clown, 3 ******s, a Picasso, and a rectangular together starting from small 3" to adult and ............... ?? Basically if you haven't figured I want to keep a tank of just triggers as I love these fish. I have kept a Picasso before, some 20 years ago and now that the kids are gone I want my monster trigger tank that I've dreamed about for years.

Thanks for any help.


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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From my understanding the picassos eventually will go ape sht and kill everything in the tank.

Why not make it a SWEET fish only with angels, tangs, maybe a pair of blue throats?

Or give me the tank and I'll do it :)


The All Powerful OZ
Staff member
The Big City
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It's hard to keep two of the same type of trigger together especially as they get larger, unless you have a very big size tank, like you would see in an aquarium or hotel. You can mix different ones together, like a Clown, Fucus, Picasso, and such with less problems, but even then size can become a problem over time. Remember some of these triggers get very large, well over 1'+, and become very nasty.
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I like triggers because they don't hide like groupers do. They're easy to care for (except for bullying ) easy to feed and are very personable. Give examples of good fish. I really want tho a, clown, humma (Picasso ), 3 ******s, bursa, and rectangulas. Any other suggestions?


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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Harli tusk would love to swim in this tank and they have great coloring, personable too
Pilot fish or small school of jacks. I've only seen the jacks in lfs one time but they swam all over the place together and require larger aquarium setups

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