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Upper East Side
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I got a blue-sided fairy wrasse yesterday from New World, and he doesn't seem to be doing well. I noticed right after he went into my tank that he seemed to have some kind of white patch on his side. I didn't remember it at the store - not sure if he panicked when he went into the tank and scraped himself, or if he has some kind of fungus.

Thoughts, advice?


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Did you get a chance to inspect him at the store? If so, did you see the patch there?

Can you describe the patch (bumpy, slimy, wound, etc.)?



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i seen that guy there earlier this week i think, he was the guy in the small tanks they have their hermits and stuff at right?

I noticed that guy and the white area on him. Always make sure the fish you buy from new world are doing great before you buy them. They are alot better than alot of LFS's, but they do occasionally have bad fish that they don't catch and end up selling. Learned that from buying a quick buy there for cichlids twice and didn't catch it when i got them.

I seen a few sick fish in those small tanks a few times.

Any other fish in the tank? and is he eating at all? It takes fish a few days to adjust to the tank sometimes.
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Upper East Side
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He wasn't in one of the smaller tanks with the hermits and stuff - he was in one of the bottom fish tanks on the right wall of the store. I don't remember seeing the patch on him in the store or in transit. Transit was VERY cold, so he was super stressed out when we got him back to my tank. Did a slow acclimation to bring the water temp in the bag up (from around 65 degrees - teach me not to bring a cooler with me to insulate the little guys) and he seemed to perk up. When I put him in my tank, he immediately darted into the rockwork, and it was the next time that I saw him that he seemed to have the patch on him.

He's in the tank with 3 chromis. They checked each other out a little, and I've seen him out of the rockwork a couple of times hanging out with the chromis, and they aren't really bothering him (that I can see). He doesn't come out much though, and spends most of the time sitting under the rocks like in the photo I posted.

It's really hard to get a good look at the patch because he spends so much time hiding. It doesn't look too bumpy from what I could tell - not like a growth. Looks a little smoother than that at least.

As far as eating goes, I have seen him eat very little. He's nibbled at some algae, and he sort of half-heartedly went after some of the flake food I dropped in the tank. I put in mysis shrimp and he was totally uninterested. I was thinking about feeding some live brine shrimp to see if that might entice him to eat.

So ... more thoughts?


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Without a good idea of what the patch on his side looks like it is hard to say. I would say for now don't do anything drastic, just watch him. He may not eat for a little bit but put some garlic extract in the food. Once you can get an id on the patch then maybe you can make a call.

Upper East Side
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Well, I'm not sure if this is related or unrelated to the patch on his side (which I still think might be a scrape), but it looks like the fish has ich. Before I take him out, I wouldn't mind a second opinion on this. Also, if he does have ich, should I take the other fish out of the tank as well, even though they aren't showing any signs of it?



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from thepic is hard to say ,but if you are 10000% sure tht the fish did NOT haave that when you got him ,chances are it scraped itself dashing towrds the rocks ,its not ich well form the pic it doesnt look like ich


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btw ,do you see the fish scraping againiist the rock ,,most fish willl do that if they have ich ,it there way of tryna get the ich off of them
Upper East Side
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You don't think the little white spots on him AROUND the possible scrape look like ich? ... I've not seen him scraping against the rock, but he hides in the rockwork so much, it's hard to say. This is the first time I've seen the little white spots. The pic I posted today is from this morning.


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You don't think the little white spots on him AROUND the possible scrape look like ich? ... I've not seen him scraping against the rock, but he hides in the rockwork so much, it's hard to say. This is the first time I've seen the little white spots. The pic I posted today is from this morning.

i was talking abou tthe scrape anext to his eyes ,i dont/didnt see white little spots ,hard to tell with the pic
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You don't think the little white spots on him AROUND the possible scrape look like ich? ... I've not seen him scraping against the rock, but he hides in the rockwork so much, it's hard to say. This is the first time I've seen the little white spots. The pic I posted today is from this morning.

The dots around the patch and the dot at it's lips do look like ich.


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San Juan, PR
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give him a day or two and you will see more of him. if you keep up w/ water changes, feed food soaked in garlic and don't introduce more fish for a while he could make a comeback.

good luck.

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