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Purple Masked Angelfish (Venustus Angelfish)

Picked this guy up at Pop Corals today. There were two and I so wanted both but want to QT one first.



Advanced Reefer
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I have had one from the old Max Reef for about 1.5 years, doing well.

Did you do anything special as far as acclimation? I am basing my regiment of my experience with the golden angelfish. I plan to treat for internal parasites and then get it onto frozen food. Next I will slowly ramp up the lighting (as they are a deep water and shy species) before introducing into the reef.

On a side note just got word I might get a shot at some more goldens hopefully soon.


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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There are certain fish that I do not like placing in a QT enviroment, Regal angels come to mind and also the Venustus.
I just threw him into my display, he was eating frozen from the store already. The Venustus I have does not hide much unlike the Goldens that I have had in the past.


Advanced Reefer
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I do like putting them into QT so that I can treat for internal parasites but I can understand from a feed perspective as they need/want to graze. Fortunately these two ate tonight! - Don't think I got him/her a friend:



Experienced Reefer
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Angels are my favorite. I've had good luck with multibars in the past.....I found the key was to purchase a pair and the marshal island ones seem to eat pellets etc much quicker and a hardier. Some day I'll try a venustus.

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