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Murray Hill, NYC
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I would like to feed my zebra moray eel some clam. Any ideas how I would do that? I was thinking about feeding with clams that are available in the supermarket. Is this okay? Also, should I force it open and dump in the tank or leave in tank as is and hope the moray can open it on it's own? Thanks for the help!


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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You want to get clam meat, without the shell, most place sell it. You then want to get some tongs or a feeding stick and feed the eel that way. If you got the large Hawaiian Zebra moray they're pretty blind, much more than most of the other eels, and it's best to put the food right in front of it or in it's mouth.

Also feeding it with some type of stick will keep the eel from trashing around the tank looking for food and also by feeding it this way the eel will less like go looking to jump out of the tank. This will also keep the eel from being very aggressive in the long run, even though Zebra morays aren't that aggressive. They will get use to the feeding stick and only go for it and not other things, like fish or hands.
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zebra morays have a VERY strong bite. One of ours about 18 months back crushed a large gravel vacc tube flat in his mouth. One we have now crushed an overgrown crayfish like it was chewing gum seemingly no effort. They seem to have little interest in non live food at first but I've seen them go after whole squid and other foods. They have molars instead of fangs like most morays so they are used to have to crushing their food. No idea if they need shelled foods to help keep their teeth worn like puffers. As a side note they have horrible vision so you might have to stick the food right in their face.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Zebra moray bite fells like a getting your finger caught in a pair of pliers but not as bad. I wouldn't worry about them biting you as their mouths are smaller than most morays and unlike other morays, which will pull back and not let go when biting, resulting in rips in the flesh, Zebra will let go, it's also very easy to pull you finger out of their mouths if they do bite you. Either way you shouldn't be putting your finger or hand near any morays and specially the mouth. If you do get bitten make sure you wash your hand off really good as morays carry bacteria in their mouths.

In the wild Zebra morays use their teeth to crush all kinds of shell fish, and will do the same in your tank, so any hermit crabs maybe at risk of being eaten. There isn't a need to worry that Zebra morays need shell fish to wear down their teeth as people have been keeping Zebra morays for years without feeding them live/died shell fish, with their shells, and never have had any problems with the teeth growing to large.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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You want to try the fish market as they usually have it there. If you can get into the city try the fish market down by China town/Little Italy. They usually sell it in frozen pack for about $2-$3 each. Also pick up some shrimp, squid and any other shell fish they made have.

Also you want to get some vitamins, like Vita-Chem, and soak the food it in before you feed the eel.

If you interested in doing some reading on Morays there is a good book out there:

Keeping Moray Eels in Aquariums by Phil Purser

It doesn't cover every eels but it does go into details on how to properly takes care of your eels. It goes for $10-$15, and is worth getting if you plan on keep eels.
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Senior Member
Murray Hill, NYC
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thanks for the info about the book

i stopped by a fish market today...the only clams in a frozen packet were cooked clams. Is this what you were talking about? $3 bux or so for a packet.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I don't think it's cook, I think all the package says is "Clam Meat". I don't have any now, I'll be picking up a whole bunch of stuff Saturday, so I can't tell what the package says on the ones that I usually buy.

Did you get it in the fish markets by China Town? They sell it in small package and the clam meat is small, about the size of a quarter. The price is by weight and usually is between $2-$4.
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Senior Member
Murray Hill, NYC
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the zebra moray finally ate today...after a month. I know they go on food strikes, but I was really getting worried. I waved a piece of freeze dried krill in front of it today and after bumping into it a few times, it finally ate (3 pieces too). But I did notice they have a very bad sense of sight and smell, unlike my snowflake.

in anycase, thanks for everyone's help!


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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It's very common for eels to go a 1-3 months without eating, Zebra eels can be hard to get started so it's good you good it eating. Depending on the size of the eel you need to make sure you feed it at least 2 - 3 times a week, the smaller the eel the more it needs to be feed.

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