hey guys i need ur help , like a month ago i had a achilles tang die of marine velvet and my dotty back caught ich and died too , then after that my clown got ich and he was fightin it and it went away , now when he had ich he was eatin but now its been a month an he is really skinny , his stomach is sucked in and his head looks big compared to his body, ive been givin him mysis with garlic exteme and some cycop eezz but he doesnt want that. i have a yellow tang a blue devil damsel and 2 yellow damsel( i really dont know what r there name i just know there damsels) any way and the clown. i dont have a separate tank to treat but i can buy on of those small little tanks that they put turtles when there babies to treat him. ithink he might have some type of internal parasite. i dont want him to die cuz he was the first fish that i put to cycle my tank and he is still here. i dont know how long he can go with out eatin. he stays in the top of my tank in the back where my return tubes r at. sorry for all the writtin