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I was just wondering if it's possible to have more than one Mystery Wrasse in the same tank. Does anyone have first hand experience or heard anything about it?



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Mystery Wrasse can be on the aggressive side and unless you have a very big tanks it's probably not a good idea to try and keep more than 1. Also they're very expensive, so it's a big risk money wise too.

Thanks, that's what I figured. But would you know if they are like all other "pimp" wrasses... many females to a male?


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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They probably have differences in colors or shape of some of their fins, like other wrasses do, but how much I'm not sure. Most look alike so the color difference must not be that great of a difference.

Because of how rare the fish is and the cost I'm not sure people have id them between male and female, most people are happy just to have one.


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Thanks Marrone. I'll update if I find anything else. I seem to keep stumbling across the same material, though. Oh well, thanks for your help.


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FOUND IT! http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/hcs3/index.php

Individuals of Pseudocheilinus species are not only shy, but they are also solitary. Some adults may form loose aggregations, but even still, they do not interact as groups or harems, instead choosing to remaining a unsociable. Spawning reports seem to be non-existent, although it is presumed mating is done in pairs. Pseudocheilinus species are protogynous hermaphrodites, that is, all males were first functioning females. Various studies have been performed and have indicated overall size is a good indication of the sex of the animal. Generally speaking, a Pseudocheilinus that is one-third or less of its maximal expected length is still immature and does not have a sex. Animals between one-third and two-thirds of their expected adult total length are sexually functioning females, and thus, males are those individuals that are above two-thirds of their total expected adult length (Randall, 1999). "


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So according to the article, which is kind of old, if I have one 1.5"-3.5" along with a fully grown 4"-5" Mystery Wrasse, there might be a slight possibility that they may pair up... Very expensive experiment if I go ahead with it. But I guess, worst case, if they don't get along, I could sell one, right?
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Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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But I guess, worst case, if they don't get along, I could sell one, right?

Wrong :tongue1:

Worst case #1 - One wrasse kills the other wrasse

Worst case #2 - One wrasse harasses the other wrasse to the point you want to sell one of them, but you can't catch either in your reef.
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oh man, completely forgot about their acrobatic abilities.............. damn.

Little off topic, but it just came to me while doing some searches. Is a 4 line wrasse the same as a 12 line wrasse? Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia

Do you guys know if they are as nasty as a 6 line? Would the tetrataenia sp. be compatible with a Mystery Wrasse?
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The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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It would be risky to mix a 6-line wrasse with a mystery wrasse, or for that matter any other wrasse, specially if the 6-line is bigger than the other wrasse.

The 4-Line & 12 wrasse are the same wrasse. They aren't as aggressive as a 6-Line wrasse and you would probably have a better chance trying to mix them together.

Now the Eight-Line wrasse is another story, gets a lot larger and is very aggressive.

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