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Hey I just naught a red head fairy wrasse from Max reef yesterday. I was very excited as I've always wanted one.
As soon as I finished acclimation and dropped him in my tank my melanarus went insane. Biting his head. Today the red head is hiding in a rock crevice looking all beat up. What to do? I was under the impression they would get along fine. Do I need to get rid of one?
Brooklyn, NY
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How big is the tank? Generally Halichoeres species don't bother Fairy wrasses, but as you have found out, sometimes they do. Chances are they will work it out it is just hard to watch for a few days. Moving forward,an in-tank acclimation box where new fish can seen but not touched goes a long way to preventing this problem. Good luck.


Advanced Reefer
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Hey all thanks for the help. Just to update. I released the read head salon fairy wrasse two days ago and the melanurus is leaving it alone. Seems like they've worked things out. I've witnessed them by one another several times without incident even during feeding.
One thing I'm curious about is the solar wrasse she keeping to one side of the tank mostly and staying mostly on the upper half of the tank. Is this normal behavior or is he avoiding the melanurus?


Advanced Reefer
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Wow perfect! I love wrasses and would def love to put more in my tank. I lost my six line to my melanurus. Had I done some more homework I would have known they weren't really compatible. I like the melanurus better anyway.

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