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Junior Reefer
North Bergen NJ
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O.k. so my friend gave me this perc... and I dont want it to go dead just like the ones I had before.... The ones that I had before is that they survive for a few days and then they die.... water parameters are fine...
just the fact that the fish doesnt seem to want to eat... i have tried giving it garlic flakes..live foods...even my prepared foods...still no luck...need some help...

the only things I keep in my tank also are corals ranging from mushrooms, xenias, zoos, and kenya trees ..
Howell, NJ
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was it eating at ur friends...

-maybe something in ur tank is stressing it out...
-its new to the tank and stressed keep trying to feed it.. (my clown didnt eat for 2 days then he became comfy and started to munch :eat: anything put in the tank..)
-when you say water par. are fine (what are the par. that make it so fine)
-change from salinity, diff par. water quality, again getting used to one tank from the other it was in... how did u acclimate the clown....


Junior Reefer
North Bergen NJ
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to acclimate my fish I go and let the bag sit for 1 hour...after that i take half the water out. and but water from my tank in the bag..wait...then dump water and place fish inside tank....

cal 440
temp 78
sal 1.024
ph 8.0
dkh dont test
iodine dont test
nitr 0

I run 2 bio/ protein skimmers on my tank one with chaeto in one and the other with carbon and sponge media and some live rock


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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to acclimate my fish I go and let the bag sit for 1 hour...after that i take half the water out. and but water from my tank in the bag..wait...then dump water and place fish inside tank....

If the pH and/or salinity in the bag before your dumped in your water was very different from your 8.0 and/or 1.024, your fish will be further stressed.

Here's a few acclimation suggestions.


Active Reefer
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Please tell me if it works out for you. One of mine die the same way you said. The one left is losing weight.


Junior Reefer
North Bergen NJ
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unfortunately the clown fish died....:( ....which i was really hoping for it to survive... so now im just sticking to corals no more fish for a while......
i was doing the research and i found that also certain tanks have this type of bacteria that sticks to clowns only... affecting their eating habbits and respiration and stress levels till it dies.... also yeah i did notice some pecking from my damsel...but it was not that servere....


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I believe you are referring to brooklynella. You would know if your clowns died from brook. They would be covered in a white coating when they died. Was this the case? How long in between did you wait to get the next pair?

Also, did you get all the clowns from the same place?



Advanced Reefer
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what causes brooklynella.is it that they carry this disease and the disease are at early stages when we purchase them,making it impossible to recognize the symptoms?, and could adding them to a new system cause an outbreak due to some sort of stress?


Senior Member
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Although I am sure Dean will pop a link in here sooner or later, I will give you basics.

Brook is caused by a highly infectious parasite and is typically fatal. It usually will kill a subject within 24-48 hours of visible symptoms, which include gasping for air, a whitish coating on the body and lack of appetite. The only suggested chemical treatment for brook is formalin, copper does not work.

Brook is highly contagious and can affect other fish besides clowns but I have heard that it is rare. Wild-caught clowns are highly susceptible to the disease, while tank raised clown often do a lot better against it.

You should do search on the web for brooklynellosis.



Advanced Reefer
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i will search thats if deanos doesnt drop the link,lol anyway i have lost to sets of clowns awhile ago and those were the symptoms.i thought it was stress related from an ick outbreak i also had and your right copper doesnt work.i have a pair now that i got from scar,pretty cool i got it for my wife for her b-day with a rbta.


Clownfish breeder
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Although I am sure Dean will pop a link in here sooner or later, I will give you basics.

Brook is caused by a highly infectious parasite and is typically fatal. It usually will kill a subject within 24-48 hours of visible symptoms, which include gasping for air, a whitish coating on the body and lack of appetite. The only suggested chemical treatment for brook is formalin, copper does not work.

Brook is highly contagious and can affect other fish besides clowns but I have heard that it is rare. Wild-caught clowns are highly susceptible to the disease, while tank raised clown often do a lot better against it.

You should do search on the web for brooklynellosis.


Well said, but copper will work.


Clownfish breeder
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Thanks. Unfortunately, copper didn't work for me or my clown :fish: :dead1: , lost one last year to brook. Are you sure when you treated with copper that is was really brook and not ich?


The thing with some fish keepers is that they do not QT the fish for atleast 30 + plus days. I have a QT method on rcf maybe you should check it out.


Junior Reefer
North Bergen NJ
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it was definitly brook...cause it was covered with white slim... ? someone was talking about a qt..do you have a pic of one... i also read about formalin but i mean...i was busy and had no time to go and figure out where i could get it...

to answer some questions... its been 5 to 6 months since i have tried my last chance with a clown... at the same time though i have the same damsel for like 2 years in a half... the other fish died due to mechanical causes...and i went on vac and my friends didnt take care of my tank in the right way...
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