would like to get a consensus on what is considered good feeding habits. I have mostly large fish in the six to twelve inch range and a number of larger eels. love to learn something new every day!
My large eels I feed every 10-14 days
My larger puffers angels triggers once a day a mix of large spectrum pellets,nori,new era pellet,and once a week they get clams,shrimp,and squid
thanks for input. I have two 3-4 ft green morays. don,t think they would be too happy if I only fed them once every two weeks. in atlantis they feed every day squid which is mainly what they like.
Morays should not be fed often. Juveniles should be fed twice a week, and eels nearing adult size should be fed once a week or even less. It is much more common for an eel to die from overfeeding and associated internal organ problems than from starvation.I would suggest feeding atleast once every 10 days on a fluctuating schedule and with an ocassional long period without every few months, as they normally go long periods in the wild. How much depends on how much he consumes. I feed my eels until they dont seem interested in food, and use small portions and add as he eats the last.