I am trying to get a hold of 6 pinecone fish (Monocentris japonicus). Does anyone have any experience with them? I am intrested in the temperature they were kept in and what you were feeding. Videos and picture will good.
No I didn't get them yet. They are expensive and from the very little information out there they are likley to die. Just wanted to know peoples personal experience with them.
had several over many years. not easy animal. best kept by themselves or with gobies or bottom dwellers. prefer a dim environment. actually had some as big as baseball. you want the one with batteries if possible. they will light up in dark. good luck.
Who is this clown Jeremy Gosnell? I couldn't disagree more. Instead of wasting time writing a black list for a $800 fish that rarly shows up. He focus his energy where it is needed such as dragonettes, jellyfish, potter angels and goatfish.