D don Experienced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location red hook dutchess county ny Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Dec 19, 2013 #1 does anyone know where to purchase need [3] for cleaning up powder blue
duromega Fish Hoarder Staff member Vendor Manhattan Reefs Real Reefer Supporter Location 10022 Rating - 100% 147 0 0 Dec 19, 2013 #2 if neon gobies were the solution for ich , they wouldn't sell for $20
Jhoehlein Experienced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location LIC, Queens Rating - 100% 6 0 0 Dec 19, 2013 #3 Neon Gobies are actually pretty prone to ich themselves, and much like cleaner shrimp they aren't nearly efficient enough to treat an outbreak alone.
Neon Gobies are actually pretty prone to ich themselves, and much like cleaner shrimp they aren't nearly efficient enough to treat an outbreak alone.