my fowleri tang has these like little cotton balls on his fins he seems fine but i don't want anything happening. anyone know what this could be and/or a way to cure it.
Thats a great site for info skene! I've used that site for mant things in the past. Why didnt I think of posting that link lol It must be the booze:beer:
that is a great sign thanks alot. it looks a little close to Lymphocyctis virus. Is there anyway to treat this or just let it fall off in its own. he looks a lil stressed all he does is swim up and down the side of the tank.
You might wanna research a lil further. I dont think its gonna just magically disappear. You might have to qt the fish and treat. Im not familiar with that specific disease so just do your homework
thanks. everywhere i read they just say give it vitamin c and it will come off eventually. i just wanted to know if anyone here had any past experiences and what ppl did to cure it.