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Since my tank recently suffered ich and my fish died im planning to get different fish. I currently have my goby, and cleaner wrasse. I want to get 2 kuda seahorses (ik they hard to keep) or a fu manchu lionfish. Would they be okay in my reef? Also does anybody recommend any fish if I shouldnt keep the fish listed


Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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Fu manchu lions are great fish, little shy, but beautiful. I have a volitan in a reef and he doesn't bother a thing. Pretty much model citizen other than eating practically all my chromis. Always with lions worry about the size of the other fish going in, he won't hesitate at all, tank mate or dinner.


Forever Noob
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You are okay with those but make sure you buy that fu man chu small because when he gets bigger he WILL eat other fish.

The seahorses are fine, but you need to have low flow and a lot of gorgonions or things to latch on to and you probably need to pick up REALLY docile fish.


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Awww i have bunch of inverts. This is the stock list i want to have
2 Allardi Clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Pinkspotted Watchman goby/tiger pistol shrimp pair
1 Cleaner wrasse(ive had him for 4 months eats flakes and all other foods i put in)
1 6 line wrasse
I already have the allardis, goby pair, and cleaner wrasse.
Give me opinions on my stock list?


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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I think that's enough fish for your tank. But for the 6 line wrasses he pretty nasty when it comes to another wrasses being with him in the same tank. Usually people get the 6 line wrasses when they having bristle worm problems in there tanks.

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