It's been almost a month since I got my Manderin, so I figured I'd give an update on how the first month went.
I did end up putting him in my quarantine tank. I figured it would be easier to keep an eye on him making sure he eats.
My expirience was the same as others. By the time he got to my house he forgot that he is supposed to eat prepared foods. I tried lots of different things...Baby Brine, Chopped Blood Worms, Mysis, brine, flake and Cyclop-eeze. He may have eaten some cyclop-eeze, but I am not sure. After a week of failing to get him to eat I started to put some tigger pods in there every couple of day's. That may have been a mistake, but I didn't want him to starve. Trying the method in Coral magazine, Mandarin diner didn't seem to have any effect.
The other day I decided to give up and move him to my DT. The DT has a great Pod population. As soon as he was released into the tank he got to work picking off pods as he found them. Even though the system has a good Pod population I plan to regularly add more to the fuge for a while just in case.
He does seem to be WAY happier in the DT. In QT he would hide when ever I got close to the tank. Also Aside from one rock and a few pieces of PVC, he didn't have much to explore. In the DT he is busy covering the whole tank all day and doesn't seem to be bothered if I am around fiddling with things.