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I was wondering if any of the authors have pictures or descriptions of small operation breeding setups that a person could use in the home for breeding clowns/banggai's/gobies/etc for sale to local fish stores. I've wanted to setup a small breeding setup for breeding my clowns and/or banggai's for some time now but I'm waiting for them to finally start spawning before I do so. I have followed Frank's plankton and rotifer culture articles with great interest and have a pretty good understanding of setting up a culture station for live foods but actually setting up the breeding, larval,and juvenile grow out tanks has me a little stumped on how it should be plumbed.

A couple of questions I have:

* Is UV necessary?

* Can all of the tanks be on one large system or do you separate the juvenile grow-out from the breeding stock?

* How do you deal with filtration? Do you set it up like a reef tank or bare-bottom w/ a wet/dry plumbed with a macroalgae tank to suck up the nitrates?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)



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I'm not sure how to address your Q?, so heres what i would think

* Is UV necessary?
It isn't necessary, but anything which prevents parasite/bacterial transmission would be very useful.

* Can all of the tanks be on one large system or do you separate the juvenile grow-out from the breeding stock?
I have seen both ideas on breeding set-ups. Some people prefer one system w/ multiple breeding tanks mainly for the large water volume, better water quality, and water chemistry stability. Also planktonic food get recycled, so to speak, as it moves from one tank to the next. Of course having a single system also increase chances of disease transmission. The individual tank setups allow unique water parameters for each tank, but of course you have to deal w/ small water volume issues and provide filtration in each tank

* How do you deal with filtration? Do you set it up like a reef tank or bare-bottom w/ a wet/dry plumbed with a macroalgae tank to suck up the nitrates?
Most of the breeding setups i have seen all all bare bottomed grow out tanks w/ seperate filtration

Lastly, if i recall correctly, this thread had a good number of pictures posted to it, and one poster had an excellent breeding tank setup. I believe it was barebottomed, and all plumbed in to a central system.

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