tank- 55 gal.
livestock- 3 fduster
3 damsels
1 leather
asst. mushrooms
15 hermit crabs
equipment- emporer 400
24" hob skimmer w/rio 2500
3 vho's- 2 50-50's and 1 actinic
set up- 3" small grain aragonite w/plenum
50 lbs. live rock
tanks is 4 months old.
had a fo tank and have converted it to a reef wanna-be. left the emporer on even when i added the LR to help with the nitrogen cycle.
now my nitrates are high +25ppm. i want to remove the biowheels in the emp. but leave the carbon.
i haven't added any live sand. kept about 2" of the old aragonite from the fo tank and then added 1' or so of the finer aragonite. i also do not have any sand stirrers. my lfs says the sand is live because the fo tank was 3 yrs old.
so do i need to add the LS and stirrers before removing the emporer?
i'm in no hurry here. i want to do this right.
appreciate all advice and info.
livestock- 3 fduster
3 damsels
1 leather
asst. mushrooms
15 hermit crabs
equipment- emporer 400
24" hob skimmer w/rio 2500
3 vho's- 2 50-50's and 1 actinic
set up- 3" small grain aragonite w/plenum
50 lbs. live rock
tanks is 4 months old.
had a fo tank and have converted it to a reef wanna-be. left the emporer on even when i added the LR to help with the nitrogen cycle.
now my nitrates are high +25ppm. i want to remove the biowheels in the emp. but leave the carbon.
i haven't added any live sand. kept about 2" of the old aragonite from the fo tank and then added 1' or so of the finer aragonite. i also do not have any sand stirrers. my lfs says the sand is live because the fo tank was 3 yrs old.
so do i need to add the LS and stirrers before removing the emporer?
i'm in no hurry here. i want to do this right.
appreciate all advice and info.