My 200 gallon tank is developing a brown slim with bubbles embedded in it. It is forming in small patches on the gravel and a couple of samll pieces of beached white coral (decoration). My blue hermits and snails don't appear to go near it. The tank has NSW and is one month old. Amon, Nitrate, Nitrite levels are 0 for 2 weeks (have 100 lbs of live rock in tank with large wet/dry). PH ranges from 8.0 to 8.1, alk is 6.0 to 7.0 meql. All additional water is RO. Fish consists of 7 demsels and 2 clowns, with live coral and sponge on the live rocks doing well (so far). Feeding is DT phytoplankton - small amounts and small amounts of flake food. Any suggestions?